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Posts tagged "git"

Vim - Add a file to the staging area

This is a mapping that adds the current file to the git staging area. This won't work if the file is not located within your current working directory. How can you determine the current working directory?

My Sublime Text setup

Everyone wants to know the secret sauce. Package Control is a great package manager. See the installation guide on how to install it. I use an enhanced Monokai color scheme called MonokaiFree. I use A File Icon for sidebar icon support.

Git Open - A Sublime Text plugin

Git Open is a Sublime Text plugin that provides integration for git-open, a script that allows you to open a repo website in your browser. It supports Linux, Mac, and Windows, and supports GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

git open - A shell script

git-open is a fantastic tool. It allows you to open a repo website in your browser. It supports Linux, Mac, and Windows, and supports GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

NeoVintageous - Jumping to Diffs

NeoVintageous has two vim commands for jumping to diff hunks. [c Jump backward to the previous start of a change. ]c Jump forwards to the next start of a change.

NeoVintageous - Jumping to Conflicts

NeoVintageous has two vim commands for jumping to SCM conflicts. These are part of the Unimpaired plugin bundled with NeoVintageous. [n Jump backward to previous SCM conflict marker or diff/patch. ]n Jump forward to next SCM conflict marker or diff/patch.