NeoVintageous 1.31.0
NeoVintageous 1.31.0 has been released. Highlights include new and improved window commands, marks, goto file commands, and an advanced reveal in side bar command.
Sublime Text Vim window commands
Most window commands require origami to work properly. Origami is a great a plugin for managing windows. I highly recommend it.
Vim window splitting
:sp[lit] [file]
Split current window in two. The result is two views on the same view. If [file]
is given it will be edited in the new view.
:vs[plit] [file]
Like :split
, but split vertically.
:new [file]
Create a new split and start editing an empty view. If [file]
is given it will be edited in the new view.
Like :new
, but split vertically.
Like CTRL-^
, edit alternate file, except the alternate file is opened in a split view.
Mostly the
character is positioned on the 6 key, pressingCTRL
and 6 then gets you what we callCTRL-^
. But on some non-US keyboardsCTRL-^
is produced in another way.
Sublime Text vim marks
To view all marks: :marks
mark line col file/text
a 11 0 /home/code/fizz.txt
b 15 3 /home/code/fizz.txt
c 17 5 /home/code/fizz.txt
C 21 7 /home/code/fizz.txt
D 19 11 /home/code/buzz.txt
Press ENTER to continue
To create a mark.
To jump to a mark.
The difference between quote and backtick is using the quote puts the cursor on the first non-bank character. Using the backtick puts the cursor on the exact column of the mark.
Vim global marks
Global marks are set using uppercase letters.
To jump to a global mark.
The next version of NeoVintageous will support showing marks in the gutter.
Sublime Text Vim goto file commands
The gf
goto file under cursor command now supports:
- Visual mode
- Environment variables, and
- The
character expands to the user home directory
For example all of the following now work.
The current working directory is resolved as follows:
- User session current working directory e.g.
:cd {path}
. - First project folder or opened folder.
- The dirname of the currently active view file.
- Sublime's current working directory, which is the install directory.
To change the current directory.
:cd {path}
To change the current directory to the home directory.
:cd ~
To change to the directory of the current file.
:cd %:h
To inspect the current working directory. The value is displayed on the status bar.
The new gF
command is the same as gf
, except if a number follows the file name, then the cursor is positioned on that line and column in the file.
Advanced reveal in side bar
The new reveal in side bar command does a number of things that the built-in Sublime Text command does not.
- Makes the side bar visible if it's not already visible
- Puts focus on the side bar
Here is an example using it in a mapping.
let mapleader=,
nnoremap <leader><leader> :Neovintageous action=reveal_side_bar<CR>
To use the same mapping to put the focus back on the view, when the side bar has focus.
Menu → Preferences → Key Bindings
"keys": [",", ","],
"command": "focus_group",
"args": {"group": 0},
"context": [
{"key": "control", "operand": "sidebar_tree"}
The reason the key binding is required is because NeoVintageous does not handle keys when the side bar has focus.
See also how to create a toggle side bar mapping and how to create a reveal side bar mapping.