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NeoVintageous 1.21.0

NeoVintageous 1.21.0 has been released. The highlights are a port of vim-sneak, ability to enable jj and jk map to escape, and other minor enhancements and fixes.


Sneak is a port of vim-sneak and is disabled by default.

Menu → Preferences → Settings

    "vintageous_enable_sneak": true

When enabled Sneak provides a way to move quickly and precisely to locations that would be awkward to reach with built-in Vim motions.

To use Sneak, type "s" followed by exactly two characters:


To go to the next match press ; and to go to the previous match press \.

Here's an overview of what has been implemented so far.


Key SequenceDescription
s{char}{char}Go to the next occurrence of {char}{char}
S{char}{char}Go to the previous occurrence of {char}{char}
s{char}<Enter>Go to the next occurrence of {char}
S{char}<Enter>Go to the previous occurrence of {char}
s<Enter>Repeat the last Sneak.
S<Enter>Repeat the last Sneak, in reverse direction.
;Go to the [count]th next match
, or \Go to the [count]th previous match
{operator}z{char}{char}Perform {operator} from the cursor to the next occurrence of {char}{char}
{operator}Z{char}{char}Perform {operator} from the cursor to the previous occurrence of {char}{char}


Key SequenceDescription
s{char}{char}Go to the next occurrence of {char}{char}
Z{char}{char}Go to the previous occurrence of {char}{char}
s{char}<Enter>Go to the next occurrence of {char}
Z{char}<Enter>Go to the previous occurrence of {char}
s<Enter>Repeat the last Sneak.
Z<Enter>Repeat the last Sneak, in reverse direction.
;Go to the [count]th next match
, or \Go to the [count]th previous match

Mapping jj and jk to escape

There are two new settings that simplify mapping jj and jk to escape (you can configure settings via Menu → Preferences → Settings):

    "vintageous_i_escape_jj": true,
    "vintageous_i_escape_jk": true

Removed commands

neovintageous_open_my_rc_fileneovintageous {'action': 'open_rc_file'}
neovintageous_reload_my_rc_fileneovintageous {'action': 'reload_rc_file'}
neovintageous_toggle_side_barneovintageous {'action': 'toggle_side_bar'}

{% include tip.html content="mapping for editing the rc file!

nnoremap <leader>en :Neovintageous action=open_rc_file<CR>
```" %}

## Further reading

* `:help nv`
* [Release notes](