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NeoVintageous 1.17.0

NeoVintageous 1.17.0 has just been released. The highlights of this release are indent object enhancements, unimpaired enhancements, new spell checking commands, new options, and support for :set {option} in the neovintageousrc file.


:set {option} is now supported in the neovintageousrc file.

:set {option}set option
:set {option}!toggle option
:set {option}?show option
:set no{option}switch option off
'belloff'specifies for which events the bell will not be rung ("all" or "")
'incsearch'highlight the pattern matches as it was typed so far
'menu'show the menu
'minimap'show the mini map
'number'show line numbering
'sidebar'show the side bar
'spell'enable spell checking
'statusbar'show the status bar
'winaltkeys'enable alt key mapping ("yes", "no", or "menu")
'wrap'enable text wrapping
'wrapscan'searches wrap around the end of the file e.g. applies to *, #, n, N (searches), and ]c and [c (jump to diffs)

Indent object enhancements

vai(text-object) an indentation level and line above
vii(text-object) inner indentation level (no line above)
vaI(text-object) an indentation level and lines above/below
viI(text-object) inner indentation level (no lines above/below)

Unimpaired enhancements

yoh, [oh, and ]ohtoggle, switch on, and switch off 'hlsearch'
yoi, [oi, and ]oitoggle, switch on, and switch off 'ignorecase'
yo[acehilmnstw]toggle option

Spell checking commands

[smove to prev misspelled word after the cursor
]smove to next misspelled word after the cursor
z=for the word under/after the cursor suggest correctly spelled words
zgadd word under the cursor as a good word to spell checking dictionary
zugundo zg, remove the word from the entry in spell checking dictionary
:spellgood {word}add {word} as a good word to spell checking
:spellundo {word}remove {word} from good word spell checking

New aliases

<A-...><M-...>ALT keys
<Del>xdelete [count] characters under and after the cursor
[count]gqgqgqqformat the current line with a count format that many lines

Other enhancements

  • All occurrences are now highlighted on incremental searches
  • Allow plugins to be fully disabled by boolean setting enable_{plugin_name}
  • Support for function keys 13-20 in mappings e.g. <f13>, <C-f16>, <C-S-f20>
  • [count]gqq format the current line with a count format that many lines

Further reading