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NeoVintageous 1.16.0

NeoVintageous 1.16.0 has just been released. The highlights of this release are enhanced mapping support, new pasting commands, and side bar navigation.

Mapping enhancements

Mappings now support leading and trailing sequences when mapping to commands, for example all of the following mappings are now valid:

nnoremap <leader>sp vip:sort u<CR>
nnoremap <leader>sy vi]:sort u<CR>vi]y<Esc>
vnoremap <leader>s :sort u<CR>

Paste enhancements

gpjust like p, but leave the cursor just after the new text
gPjust like P, but leave the cursor just after the new text
[pand [P like P, but adjust the indent to current line
]pand ]P like p, but adjust the indent to current line
Jgo to last child
pgo to parent
pgo to root

New aliases

new aliaskeydescription
<C-Down>j[count] lines downward
<C-Up>k[count] lines upward

Further reading