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NeoVintageous 1.9.0

NeoVintageous 1.9.0 has landed. This release brings built-in support for jumping to diffs, opening and closing folds, countable newlines, and surround enhancements.

Jumping to diffs

This is the first release to ship with built-in support for jumping to diffs (added in Sublime build 3189). For previous builds you'll need the Git Gutter plugin.

]cjump forwards to the next start of a change. When a count is used, do it that many times.
[cjump backwards to the previous start of a change. When a count is used, do it that many times.

Fold commands

You can now open and close all or individual folds:

zoopen one fold under the cursor
zcclose one fold under the cursor
zMClose all folds
zROpen all folds

Countable newlines

Using a count when beginning newlines now enters a multiple cursor:

oBegin a new line below the cursor and insert text, repeat [count] times.
OBegin a new line above the cursor and insert text, repeat [count] times.

Surround enhancements

A new surround line command, yss{target}, allows you to operate on the current line, ignoring leading white-space.

The targets b, B, r, and a are now aliases for ), }, ], and >.

Old textCommandNew text
Hello w*orld!yss}{Hello world!}
Hello w*orld!yssB{Hello world!}
'Hello w*orld!'cs')"Hello w*orld!"
(Hello w*orld!)cs'b(Hello w*orld!)
Hello w*orld!ysiw)Hello (world)!
Hello w*orld!ysiwbHello (world)!

Further reading