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NeoVintageous 1.5.0

NeoVintageous 1.5.0 has been released and includes support for super-keys, command-line search history, command-line editing commands, and a toggle side bar command.

Support for vim super-keys

You can now map super-keys (<D-...>), also known as command-keys on OSX, or window-keys on Windows. Super-keys are disabled by default.

Menu → Preferences → Settings

    "vintageous_use_super_keys": true


In newer versions the super keys can be toggled via Command Palette → NeoVintageous: Toggle Super Keys.

For example, to map <D-i> to the Goto Symbol in Project command, which is available out-of-the-box in Sublime (the goto_symbol_in_project command).

nnoremap <D-i> :GotoSymbolInProject<CR>

You can map to any command by PascalCasing it.

Append <CR> to indicate pressing the enter key.

Another example, is mapping <D-n> to run the nearest test (requires the Test package):

nnoremap <D-n> :TestNearest<CR>

Currently only a-zA-Z super keys are implemented e.g. <D-i>, <D-I>, <D-o>, etc.


Operating systems make extensive use of the super-keys for desktop commands. If you find a super-key is not working in Sublime Text, then it's probably bound to a desktop command, and if that's the case then ST won't receive the key event. You can check if ST is receiving the event by running sublime.log_input(True) in the console (Menu → View → Show Console). If it's not receiving the event, then you need to clear whatever desktop command the key is bound to. If you use Ubuntu see Ubuntu keymaps.

Command-line editing and search history

Search history for / and ? has been added (supports current session only). Use the arrow keys <Up> and <Down> to recall recent and older history.

The Command-line editing commands have been added: <C-b>, <C-e>, <C-h>, <C-n>, <C-p>, <C-u>, and <C-w>.

Also, a popular request, CTRL-C and CTRL-[ now exit Command-line mode.

Toggle Side Bar


The NeoVintageous toggle sidebar feature has been updated, see Toggle SideBar enhancements for more details.

A toggle side bar command is now provided out-of-the-box. When you want to use a toggle side bar mapping it's recommended to use this command, because it will receive fixes and functionality tuned specially for Neovintageous.

Suppose, for example, you want to map ,d to toggle the sidebar when you are in normal mode (create the mapping in your vintageousrc file, you can open it via the Command Palette:

NeoVintageous: Open My vintageousrc File
let mapleader=,
nnoremap <leader>d :NeovintageousToggleSideBar<CR>

You need to reload the mappings:

NeoVintageous: Reload My vintageousrc File

Next, you need to create a keybinding to enable the ability to toggle the side bar when the side bar has focus.

Menu → Preferences → Key Bindings

        "keys": [",", "d"],
        "command": "neovintageous_toggle_side_bar",
        "context": [
            { "key": "control", "operand": "sidebar_tree" }

Misc. Additions

  • Support for SublimeLinter goto to error ]l and [l (see :help unimpaired)
  • Support for GitGutter goto change ]c and [c (see :help unimpaired)
  • Toggle status bar coe (see :help unimpaired)
  • Toggle menu toggle coa (see :help unimpaired)
  • Added :edit {file}
  • Added :sp[lit] [file] (requires Origami plugin, see :help neovintageous)

Recursive Mappings Removed

The recursive mapping commands :map, :nmap, :omap, :smap, and :vmap, have been removed, and will emit warnings when used. Use the non-recursive mapping commands instead. Here is a table of the old and new non-recursive mapping commands:

Recursive command (removed)Non-recursive command

The recursive mappings were removed, because they were not implemented as recursive mappings, and removing them now in preference of the non-recursive mappings may prevent some potential problems in the future if the recursive mapping commands are ever implemented.

Further reading